Elections Old

Nominate a member for office

Nominations are open 4/18/2022-5/20/2022

Below are the requirements to run for office, per bylaws:
(An active member in good standing attended two events and paid dues.)

President- The President shall act as Executive Officer of the Society; preside over Society meetings; be an ex-officio member of any and all committees, except the Nominations Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee; shall call special meetings of the Society or of the Board of Directors following proper notice; shall be responsible, jointly and severally with the Treasurer for all Society funds; send out notices of all Society meetings.  An active member in good standing for one (1) year or more and having served on the Society’s Board of Directors shall be eligible for the office of President.

Vice President- The Vice-President shall assist the President and shall preside over meetings of the Society in the absence of the President; be an ex-officio member of any and all committees, except the Nominations Committee and the Budget and finance Committee; shall perform and discharge all duties and responsibilities as required by the President.  An active member in good standing for one (1) year or more shall be eligible for the offices of Vice President.

Secretary- The Secretary shall be responsible for minutes of all Society meetings; maintaining the records of the Society in good order; keeping membership rolls current; shall forward any received funds to the Treasurer; shall perform and discharge all duties and responsibilities as required by the President.  An active member in good standing for less than one (1) year shall be eligible for the office of Secretary.

Treasurer- The Treasurer shall be responsible, jointly and severally, with the President for all Society funds; shall have custody of all funds and securities belonging to the Society and shall receive, deposit, or disburse the same under the direction of the Board of Directors; shall keep full and accurate accounts of the finances of the Society in books specifically provided for that purpose and shall cause a true statement of its assets and liabilities as of the close of each fiscal year and the results of its operations and of changes in surplus for such fiscal year, all in reasonable detail; shall be responsible for the preparation and filing of the Society’s taxes to maintain non-profit status; shall be responsible for producing an annual budget to be discussed and voted on during the first meeting of the new year; shall perform and discharge all duties and responsibilities as required by the President.  An active member in good standing for one (1) year or more shall be eligible for the offices of Treasurer.